Friday, November 25, 2011

What are the the benefits and cons of of unmarried parenting?

I've been through both....and I prefer married parenting to unmarried parenting.

My pregnancy with my son was unplanned and I was unmarried. However, I was with my partner for one year at the time of our pregnancy. We were unmarried and because he decided to take off and not want the baby, I was left alone. Single and in graduate school. Talk about HARD times.

Then, I met my now-husband when my son was 13 months old. He is the most loving, wonderful and caring man...accepted my son without any hesitations from day one and is my son's father, period. (My ex NEVER stepped up to the plate...and my son is 6 years old) But, co-parenting is a true joy. Why would anyone not want to be married to the father of their children?? I wholeheartedly agree with married parenting.

Posters who say ';It's only a piece of paper'; obviously are not married and don't feel strongly about a commitment between the parents.

Boyfriend/girlfriend parenting doesn't fly. The boyfriend has no ties and why bother getting married?? He's already got the sex and family for free. What are the the benefits and cons of of unmarried parenting?
To me there is no difference. A piece of paper saying Im legally wed to my other half doesn't affect my parenting of my child. It doesn't affect school enrollment, doctors visits or having food on the table. I do acknowledge that it makes a big difference to how people feel about bringing a child into the world though, it just doesn't to me.What are the the benefits and cons of of unmarried parenting?
as far as the way the child is parented, I would say generally there is no difference. But it isn't sending a good message to the child about morality.
me and my BF are parents to a 15mos old girl. we have been together 3yrs. living together 2yrs. i dont feel that a piece of paper, and me changing my surname would make us better parents.
None what so ever, A child doesn't care if its parents are Married or single those parents are just as good as any in my view.

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