yesDo you think it's bad parenting to allow a 2 and 4 year olds to watch horror movies?
Yes. Their minds aren't ready for horror %26amp; it could definitely give them nightmares. I strongly believe that they cannot adequately process %26amp; determine what is or isn't real. They may not portray being scared, but later as images are replayed in their minds it could really terrify them. Everything is blown out of proportion in a child's mind. Why, why, why would anyone want to expose young children to the kind of fear that is shown in horror movies before they can even completely understand what it means? We know it's not real but they certainly don't %26amp; no matter how many times you tell them ';it's not real'; they'll still question it %26amp; remember what they saw. It's the parent's job to protect their children, physically %26amp; mentally.
Yes, this is like actually like a child watching these things actually happening in their daily lives, you may as well have an axe murderer walk into your TV room and kill someone, no difference. They take in what they see, there is no difference to them between movie and reality. Even if you explain that it is special effects, if they have never seen a movie set how are they supposed to comprehend that?
Isn't it a little concerning to you that a 4 year old isn't scared or even bothered by violence and death?
Why are the horror movies on anyway? It's sad that adults would give more attention to horror movies than their own kids. :(
Yes, and quite frankly, it's abuse. At that age, they cannot understand the difference between fantasy and reality, even if they are told it's all fake. In their mind, it's real. And it's making an impression on them, quite possibly forever.
My dad took me to see horror movies starting at age 6, upon my request. At the time, I loved it and promised I wasn't scared. Shortly thereafter though is when I started having the 'horror' nightmares. I'm not talking about just dreams about monsters or the bogeyman. I talking about truly horrific, sick and gruesome dreams that combine all of the worst parts of every horror movie and amplify it into seriously weird sh*t like you've never seen before. To this day, even though I am now an adult, I still have these nightmares and can't shake them.
It's just not worth it for the convenience of not having to pay a babysitter. Spend $20 and see that stuff by yourself.
Yes, it is. Even if they aren't gory or violent and the kid is not scared of them, horror movies are meant for adults and are bound to have adult content in them.
Plus, there are about 8374832934 children's movies out there that are perfectly appropriate for 2-4 year olds to watch that they would probably enjoy more than the horror movie.
I don't think I would call it ';bad'; parenting, but it's something I would not do with my own children. You don't know what truly will scare them and won't. Some children get scared in their dark bedrooms alone at night of the least scary things--my brother was 11 when he finally stopped having nightmares about E.T., a movie he had no problem watching and didn't feel scared of while he was watching it. Who would have guessed that E.T. would cause nightmares for him for 7 years?! It's best to avoid anything that might possibly cause them to feel that way.And what you consider ';not to gory or violent'; might be way over-the-top for someone else's definition.
Absolutely, I do! There are ratings on these programs for a reason. Just because YOU don't find it scary, gory, or violent does not mean that a young, impressionable, innocent child may feel otherwise. How dare you rob them of what little fairy tales they make believe for the short amount of time they are allowed to be hopeful...instead of introducing the horrifying truths of society at such a young age. I understand the whole ';non sheltering'; your children syndrome....but give the kids a chance.
Yes, I do. They could get nightmares even if they do not appear to be afraid. Horror movies have a stricter rating on them, so there could be language they could learn, violent themes they could mimic, or just horrible images left in their innocent minds that will mess them up later on. Stick with Disney.
I believe in exposing your kids to all types of cinema (before their friends do, which they will) and having an open communication with them about it, but four is too young to appreciate a scary movie. It will just give him or her nightmares. I'd say wait until the kid is old enough to realize Santa isn't real.
Hell yeah!
I have a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old.
They don't watch anything with violence, racism etc in it.
Omg, my 3 yr old is having nightmares of Cruella for god's sake (101 dalmations). And everything is a scary monster. That is the stage he is at. You don't need to show them these movies. It will affect them in the long run and you could end up with some very angry children....
I strongly believe it is too bad because the mind of a litle child is in a programing process. Therefore, those kind of movies should be a kind of virus. But not to worried because since you are asking, you could change and learn to be a better father or mother. good luck.
I have a 2 yr old and a 4 year old and no i wouldn't let them watch anything like that. i also have a 9 yr old and the same goes for him. I am picky about what my kids watch if its violence,sex related or drug related i wont let them watch,
Nah, they gotta learn to not be afraid of scary movies some time, and two to four years is a good time to start. By the time they get to their teens they'll understand how fake movies are and will be ready for many long years of therapy.
Yes, because even if their not scared children can sense the emotions and feelings in many situations and most horror movies have a hate felt scenario and that's not what you want to teach your child.
2 years old and 4? really? i doubt its ALLOWING them to watch horror movies cuz kids that little dont even like scary movies. just buy them sum toys.
Yes, I do, personally. What you consider ';not too gory or violent'; as an adult could be very different to a child.
I don't think its bad parenting, but it may cause nightmares later on. they are young but you don't want them to be traumatized by what they see.
i saw a 5 year old at the movie Watchmen which is def not a movie that children should see, but just use your best judgement if they dont get scared then i dont see a problem with it :)
A 2 and 4 year old are not mature enough to be watching horror movies - that's WAY too young.
Damn straight ~it's a bad idea!
Find some appropriate programing.
I was five when my mother realised that I could tell the difference.
At four and two years old I would consider them to be a little too young yet.
its not being a bad parent just a parent with poor judgment. they rate movies for a reason.
yes! how do you know they aren't scared by them? they could develop some kind of fear or worse.
Yes......thats terrible.
I don't think so. I've been watching rated R movies as long as I can remember, but I've turned out okay. In fact, I contribute watching horror movies as a kid to the fact that I never believed in monsters or the like, or was never afraid of the dark.
Yes unless it's one of those that it's hard to tell by just watching that it's a horror movie and you manly know it's a horror movie by the story
There are worse media content...
Horror isn't as bad as showing racist movies showing a little girl barbies/kens are beautiful (only that whites are beautiful).
I would let a few horrors slide, but not the others.
No. Heck, I doubt they'll even understand the plot and would actually enjoy it due to the special effects.
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