Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Should people who want to have children be forced to take an IQ test or attend parenting classes?

and if they fail the course, they are sterilised.Should people who want to have children be forced to take an IQ test or attend parenting classes?
Maybe not an IQ test but definitely parenting class!! Better yet, they should come up with a temporary sterilization procedure and have it done on everyone under 20. No more teen pregnancy. When they pass their parenting classes then they can become un-sterile. There are too many 14 year olds having babies and then dumping their children into trashcans.Should people who want to have children be forced to take an IQ test or attend parenting classes?
Not really. People who take parenting classes should get some kind of reward, or exclusive acceptance, but I don't think intelligence is all hereditary. Also, there are much more important thins than intelligence. Being smart doesn't guarantee that you'll be compassionate or even sensible.
No not for an IQ test but i think drug addicts should be
unfortunately babies don't come with an instruction booklet and every hunam being is different i'm not einstein and went to a few antenatal classes for the basics as i knew nothing about being a parent and after bringing my son up for 13yrs alone i've done a pretty good job upto now if i do say so myself he's a little diamond! (well he has his off days lol but don't we all?)
Because driving a car, operating a machine, is different than the natural concept of reproduction.

There is no such thing as ';temporary sterilization';. Once it's done, it's intended to be permanent. Of course, I could be wrong. Probably eventually someone will come out with a hellish invention that temporarily sterilize or suppress the sex drive and then propose it be given to all children until 20.

There's already parenting classes that many expectant parents go to. There's lifeskills classes and classes that teach you how to raise a child in high school and college if people want to be good parents. But to force it upon people would be authoritarian and fascist, reminisce of reeducation facilities. And such forced education classes and sterilization if they should fail violates the foundation of this country because the Constitution bars involuntary servitude unless a crime was commited and cruel and unusual punishment even if a heinous crime was commited. It also violates the right to life, well-being(fertileness counts as well-being and health), and pursuit of happiness (in this case, to procreate).

Either way, the ';temporary sterilization'; or forced education classes would bring about massive uprising of the people, overwhelming the country's infrastructure, rebellion, or self-genocide by not or not able to reproduce. It would never happen. You're a disgrace to the country (and should be sterilized, then be made to lick Uncle Sam's boots), and an insult in the name of humanity and nature.

And for those who want to mass sterilize all other countries in the world, it's not going to happen. If the rest of the world falls, we'd fall too because we need their resources. Before that happens, every country with nukes are going to turn them on us, and suddenly you have the whole rest of the world in a coalition to invade us and kill people like you in a slow and horrible death. Think you can take on an army millions to billion strong?

It is equally unviable to be forced to take an IQ test because IQ has absolutely nothing to do with raising a child but as a measure for critical thinking and reason in areas that apply. You could be outrageously stupid but still be able to take good care of a child. People's intelligience varies, and to have a set standard is forcing everyone to convert to uniformity-not possible. It's as possible as having everyone in the country look identical in appearance.

And yeah, what does the government knows about good parenting? There's no such thing as the perfect parent.

That's why there's social workers, foster programs, and Child Protective Services... The best you're going to get. At the most, give them a 1000 page parenting manual before they leave the hospital instead of giving free samples of everything that's not needed.
haha this is funny. Well I think they should. If people had to do this than I think less people would want to have kids and this could be a good thing for this overpopulated planet.
parenting classes.
Should rude people be force to attend sensitivity classes. If they fail they should be made to marry a retard and bare their children?
I think people who join answers should take an IQ test
One of my guiding principles in life is-if it sounds like something that Hitler would have liked then it's probably not a great idea.

So no, is my answer to your question.
I think every other person on the planet should be sterilized for life. Starting with Mexico, then China, then India, then the Arabic countries. Mainly because I don't think any of them understands contraception. And there are too many kids running around now with no parents or guardians. Maybe just fly over the country surreptitiously and just spray the whole damn country. My opinion only.
Depending on the IQ of the parents themselves there should be guidelilnes or strong suggestions involved

Or they should have someone who will guide them along as parents.
The human race would die out within a generation.
YES! I often thought that after becoming a parent myself.

Some of these parents are frightening. And to read the news makes me shudder...

I say we make the President pass a bill!
You should be sterilized for not knowing how to spell sterilized asking a question like this!
Yeah fab idea. But better than that is James Whales' idea that all new born boys should be sterilized and take the IQ test when required, then given the antidote if they pass!!!!!
hitler `s thoughts re awakening.
That might be a little extreme, but isn't it odd that you have to have take classes and pass a test to drive a car, but you don't have to in order to obtain a gun or have a baby?
haha. I'm beginning to think that that is a good idea... especially after reading some of the questions on this website....lol.
not a bad idea, but it wouldnt work, there would be wars over it and genocide
There are other solutions to this issue. If woman would let the boys chase them instead of playing possum with legs in the air they might not get pregnant so often. LOL

Parenting classes ....WTF What does the government know about parenting. That would be a bureaucratic money making machine.

Big government is so cool we can ask them the proper methods of whipping our butts. How could humans survive without a big wise government telling everyone what to do?

Please take away the Constitution and Bill of Rights they hampering our governments love and should only apply to those the governments says deserves them....after taking a test.

Land of the free....read these posts...not for long. Everyone is willing to give up freedom for what? To ask permission to have sex and if you don't get it the government makes you sterile. Nice!!

As Ron L below said make it socially unacceptable.

Don't tell girls their lives as single mother will be just fine and dandy. Tell them the truth that they just screwed up the one life they have at a very young age. Sure they can make the most of it but MAN you screwed up BIG. That is why trailer parks are getting bigger. Maybe if it was not socially ok, highschool girls would think twice before having sex and babies.
you need a license to drive a car or be a plumber why not to be a parent!

Reality check here = sterilization is a bit harsh though

Interesting thought but really dude
lol i was talking to this with my friend the other day ! defo my god iv seen some ignorant parents over the last few days , one woman had her baby in summer cloths and a cotton jacket and its like 7 degrees c out
Its good to attend a parenting class, but not take a IQ test. Thats an insult.
Uh, no. But thanks for the idea, Hitler.
get a grip why on earth would you even say something like that?
i personally think classes should at least be enforced on parenting. my parents excuse for bad parenting is that it was not something they could learn in school or read in a book (too bad it is). so i think knowledge is power and would help.

i do not believe sterilizing people is the answer. besides, what would we do with all the children of parents that had children before they took the test, later took the test, and failed?

nice starting place for a solution though.
Hey up you have stirred the masses with this one.....

I think only thing is look after your own as best you can... you cannot guard against stupidy in whatever shape or form...
The parenting classes are an excellent idea, but not the rest.

I know I am going to get thumbs down but look at some of these questions here. There are people who are doing serious harm bringing a child into their messed up life.

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