Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the most gratifying part of parenting?

What do you feel it is?What is the most gratifying part of parenting?
When my 5yo daughter won the love award at at school bc she is a caring, sweet kid; and when she smiles and tells me she loves me,or when she took her 1st steps or when she was proud bc she used to potty for the 1st time, or when she said the abc's or counted to a hundred without any mistakes, or more recently when she started being able to swim underwater from one side of the pool to the other without near drowning, i could go on and on but I am sure the ppl at YA would hate that. The list is endless thoughWhat is the most gratifying part of parenting?
When your day is so crappy you feel like you are going to jump off a cliff and your clild (out of the blue) says something like ';I love you mommy'; or sings you a song as to how beautiful you are those are the most priceless things ever.
When my children come and give me hugs or cuddle on my lap for no reason.

When they smile and laugh.

Seeing them sleep at night and knowing that no matter how much they push my buttons, they are still my world and I would not trade them for all the money in the world.
when your kids start to show independence, confidence, form their own opinions and ask your opinion on life matters.
The love you give and receive from your children. Hugs and kisses and ';I love you mommy'; are better than anything I could ever buy for myself! :)
seeing your child in public being a total angel and seeing you have taught him well. PLus everyone tells me how happy he is that makes me feel very speical.
The unconditional love for and from my children.
not knowing if you are doing it right, but it comes naturaly.
the smile they give me,that no-one else gets, and the hugs!
To hear my daughter tell me '; I love you Mama!!';
Watching your children grow. Knowing everyday as they learn to do more and more it is because of what you have taught them. Watching them grow is wonderful and sad at the same time. We all want to keep our babies but look forward to what our hard work will produce. A wonderful child.

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