Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What parenting beliefs did you hold before you were a parent that have changed since you had children?

Eg, before having children, I was extremely against segreagating children even in a time out. I believed it was humiliating to children to be made to sit away from their peers! Silly I know. But since having children I've learnt that time outs (for us) are a very valuable tool for discipline.

What did you find surprising?What parenting beliefs did you hold before you were a parent that have changed since you had children?
Most of my beliefs haven't changed too much actually, but I was always against kids watching a lot of tv. While I don't allow my children to watch any actual tv, I do often allow my son to have his Wiggles dvd's on for background noise, as long as he's playing/dancing at the same time.What parenting beliefs did you hold before you were a parent that have changed since you had children?
I thought the nose on the wall was BRUTAL!!!! Because it killed me when I was a kid!!!!!

But...... it has worked QUITE WELL for all my kids! They are very well mannered and hold a high respect for everyone especially adults.
Well i always thought that the parents who put their kids on leashes where just horrible! Well with my daughter the way she is i can't understand now! She loves running around and exploring every little thing but sometimes i just can't keep up and she can't do this every where!
I was against having my kids eat too much fast %26amp; junk food, especially at a young age. But since my son has (under) weight issues %26amp; refuses to eat, I'm happy if I can get a few french fries into him.
I used to think that I would always stick to all my rules and discipline. Boy, was I wrong! I occassionally give in to a thing or two just to save my sanity!!!

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